zaterdag 4 november 2017

Caffè, mirtilli e l'ultimo libro di Patti

"I am set to leave on the last flight to Paris. My French publisher has arranged a week of book-related events that include speaking to journalists about writing. My notebook remains untouched. A writer who isn't writing going to talk with journalists about writing. What a know-it-all, I chide myself. I have another black coffee and a bowl of blueberries. There is plenty of time and I am a light packer.
The street a construction zone, I am obliged to wait before crossing back home while a massive crane hoists metal support beams several floors above the café, bringing to mind the opening scene in La Dolce Vita where a helicopter trasports a life-size figure of Christ above the urban tops of Rome."

Devotion - Patti Smith 
Why I write - ISBN 9780300218626